about "her" blog
I just look for someone blog just now, it belongs to my roomate’s friend. Actually I ever heard that she just post at the blog for her to express her feeling. Maybe it is for her privacy. Hahaha….but what a naughty girl I am. I deliberately look when she’s typing for the new post at my room, then I noticed her blog title. The title is ************. Secret okay…heheheh. Then I search for her blog and I found and I read. Is it unethical behavior??? Am I do something wrong? But I just want to look…hmmmm…I think that will be the public figure when she posted on the line. Hmmm…. I don’t know.. but from that, I know some thing detailed for the something that I’d already know before. She is so loving person, good daughter, and good sister. Something that may not belongs to me. Huhuhu. She will be a good daughter forever to her family… proud to her…
