the regretfullness

my mother came to my rent house... yesterday.. stay with me for 3 days probably.. seriouSLY...i admit that i am not good enough to be a daughter... because deeeeeep in my heart i felt troubled by this... oh....poor my mom to have a daughter like me.... i am sorry mother.... i did not meant to be like that but i dont know where this feeling coming from.. is it came from my broken heart?? the heart of a girl who had been abandoned with love.. abused by the cruelty of love... the unfair of treats. i am like a human with damage heart.. the environment around me turn me to this condition. who should i blame for?? i am really tortured with all this.. mom dad... i try to be a good daughter, and this is the only good i can afford.. i am sorry

but deeeeeeep again in my heart, i always miss, love, and respect to my beloved parents....

Ya Allah ya tuhanku....

di hadapanMu nanti .. apakah bait perbicaraan yang akan dilangsungkan mengenai hal ini?? adakah aku akan disiksa kerana kederhakaan ini??


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