about job

Ohhh… quite stress… now the job is pending because of some technical problem. What should I do, I have already followed up but the other parties did not take the action immediately. Ufff… how if my boss ask to me?? I also have told to another agency that the material was ready… hmmm…hopes everything will run smoothly without any problem. Ya Allah please help me. I am worried.


Aku rasa macam nak berehat satu hari dan aku nak buat planning untuk aku punya kerja sekarang. Aku tak boleh nak plan apa sebab sekarang ni kepala sangat pusing. Nak buat indoor marketing pun x boleh2 lagi sbb x prepare apa. X follow up dengan klien pun. Lepas ni kena buat planning yang mantap dulu. Uhh… risau betul aku nanti kekalau bos Tanya progress aku punya marketing. Ye la even my boss doesn’t insist me to do those things but I feel responsible in that as a direction by consent. Is it correct phrase? Not sure what’s the real meaning but wrote regards to my understanding. I know that they hope on me to increase sales for the company. It’s ok for me because they don’t force me so it wouldn’t tense me. But I have to be mature, be independent and contribute something. Succeed or not, it doesn’t even matter as long as I have tried my best and show some effort. At least, it’s useful for me to build my communication skill and other skill as well. I will get new experience also. Insyaallah by next week I will start to do marketing job.


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